What is Joules to Calories?
The Joules to Calories Calculator helps you convert energy from Joules (J) into various calorie units. The calorie units you can choose from are:
- Thermochemical Calories (calth): Used for processes where energy is measured based on thermochemical data.
- 15°C Calories (cal15): Calories measured at 15°C, used for specific energy calculations.
- Food Calories (Cal): Also known as large calories, this is used to measure energy in food.
How to Use the Joules to Calories Calculator
Follow these simple steps to use the calculator:
- Enter Energy: Input the energy value in Joules (J) in the provided box.
- Select Calorie Unit Type: Choose the type of calorie unit you want to convert to from the dropdown menu.
- Calculate: Click the "Calculate " button to see the conversion result.
- Clear: Click the "Clear" button to reset the fields and start over.
Formula for Conversion
The formulas for converting Joules to different calorie units are as follows:
- Thermochemical Calories (calth):
E(calth) = E(J) / 4.184
Example: Convert 600 Joules to thermochemical calories:E(calth) = 600 / 4.184 ≈ 143.4 calth
- 15°C Calories (cal15):
E(cal15) = E(J) / 4.1855
Example: Convert 600 Joules to 15°C calories:E(cal15) = 600 / 4.1855 ≈ 143.35 cal15
- Food Calories (Cal):
E(Cal) = E(J) / 4184
Example: Convert 600 Joules to food calories:E(Cal) = 600 / 4184 ≈ 0.1434 Cal